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How To Care For Goldendoodle Puppies

March 12, 2023

Discover essential tips on how to care for Goldendoodle puppies with Little Teton Doodles. Expert advice for a happy, healthy pup in your home. 

What is a Goldendoodle? Simply put, a Goldendoodle is a hybrid breed that results from crossing a Golden Retriever with a Poodle. The exact mix of the two breeds depends on the size of each parent dog—you can get mini, medium, micro, teacup, toy, or standard-sized Goldendoodles depending on the size ratio between their parents. 

These pups have grown in popularity as they are considered to be as hypoallergenic as possible depending on the generation and coat type of the puppy, which means they produce little to no dander (the cause of most allergies). They also require less maintenance than other breeds since their coats do not shed very much. However, they still need regular grooming sessions to keep their fur tangle-free and looking its best!  

Goldendoodles are a popular breed of hybrid dog. They are intelligent, friendly, and loyal family companions. But with any new puppy comes the responsibility of proper care. It is important to understand the basics of caring for your Goldendoodle puppy in order to ensure they remain happy and healthy throughout their life. 

Proper care is essential to keeping your Goldendoodle puppy happy and healthy throughout its life! Make sure you provide them with regular healthcare visits, grooming appointments, training sessions, and plenty of exercise each day so that they can live a long life full of love! 

Preparing for Your Pup

The first step in preparing your home is to create a safe space specifically for the puppy. This could be a crate or a corner of a room that will become their own personal space—somewhere they can go when they need rest or just want some alone time. 

Make sure this space is comfortable and inviting; include things like their bedding, toys, food bowl, water bowl, and any other items they may need while in the space. It’s also important to keep the area free from any hazardous items such as medicines, cleaning supplies, electrical cords etc. 

If you have older pets already living in your home, it’s wise to keep the puppy's area separate from them until they get used to each other.  

Food and Treats 

When it comes to food, it's important to select something formulated specifically for your pup’s needs. Not all dog food is created equal and finding the right one for your pup can be challenging. Consider choosing a high-quality puppy food that is appropriate for their age and size. 

When selecting treats, make sure to choose ones that are organic or made with minimal ingredients. Avoid giving your pup any treats with added sugar or preservatives as these can cause upset stomachs or other health issues over time. 

Toys and Chews 

Goldendoodles are known for being energetic and playful dogs who love having toys around to keep them entertained when they aren't being active outdoors. Selecting durable, safe toys is key as most standard dog toys may not last long with a Goldendoodle's chew power! 

Look for items like rope toys or balls that can stand up against their teeth - just make sure to supervise playtime since some items may require extra monitoring due to potential choking hazards.

Additionally, consider getting an edible chew like bully sticks which provide mental stimulation while helping clean their teeth in the process!   

Health Supplies 

Lastly, it's important not to forget about necessary health supplies and  grooming tools like brushes, combs, nail clippers, etc. Don't forget about getting regular vaccination shots from the vet as well! 

It is important to consult with a veterinarian regarding flea and tick medication for your dog, as certain medications have been associated with seizures, other health issues, and even death.

When meeting with any potential vets, don't be afraid to ask questions! Find out what type of procedures they offer and what payment plans they have available (if needed) and what pet insurance they accept. Inquire about their approach to preventive care—do they recommend annual checkups? Are vaccinations required? Do they believe in alternative treatments such as herbal remedies or acupuncture? These are all important factors when deciding on which vet is best for your pup's needs. 

Lastly, ask about their policies regarding emergency services; do they offer after-hours care or do they refer clients elsewhere? Knowing this information ahead of time can help save time (and money) if an emergency ever arises with your pup down the line. 

Feeding Your Goldendoodle Puppy

How Often Should I Feed My Goldendoodle Puppy? 

The general rule is that puppies should be fed three times a day until about six months old. After that, you can reduce their food intake to twice a day - once in the morning and once at night - up until their first birthday. 

Once your pup has hit their first birthday, you can transition them over to an adult diet slowly and reduce their food intake back down to once a day if desired. The back of the back often offers advice on transitioning your pups diet. However, some experts recommend continuing with twice daily feedings even after this point. 

What Should I Feed My Goldendoodle Puppy? 

Goldendoodles are known for being family friendly and hardworking dogs that require plenty of nutrition in order to stay active and healthy. For this reason, it’s important to make sure they are getting all of the essential nutrients they need throughout their growth stages. The best way to do this is by feeding them a high-quality kibble specifically designed for puppies or all life stages (for older pups). 

Make sure it includes adequate amounts of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients in order for them to be as healthy as possible! You may also want to supplement your pup's kibble with some fresh fruits or vegetables for added nutrition.  

Choose a Balanced Diet 

Goldendoodle puppies need a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in order to stay energetic and healthy. It is important to make sure that the food you are giving your puppy is specifically tailored for their age group and size.  Make sure you avoid artificial colors or flavors, preservatives and fillers as these can cause allergies or other health issues. 

If you are unsure about what kind of food is best for your pup consult your veterinarian before making any changes in their diet.  

Exercise and Training

Goldendoodles are highly intelligent dogs that require regular exercise and mental stimulation in order to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Training is an essential part of keeping your pup happy—it not only helps you build a strong bond with them but also helps them learn how to behave properly around other people and animals. 

Make sure you give them plenty of opportunities for physical activity such as walks, playtime in the yard, trips to the park, etc., as well as mental stimulation like learning new tricks or playing interactive games like hide-and-seek or fetch with their favorite toy!

Here Are Some Tips To Help You On Your Way

Set Clear Expectations & Establish Routines

When it comes to training puppies, it’s important to establish expectations early on. Set rules that are clear and consistent and make sure everyone in the household is aware of them. This means setting specific times for meals, walks, and playtime. 

Having a routine will help your pup become accustomed to the expectations placed upon them–and will help make their transition into adulthood much smoother. 

Create Safe Spaces

If there are certain “no-go zones” in your home (i.e., places where your pup isn’t allowed to go), be sure to create safe spaces for them. This could mean using baby gates or crates so that they can learn what areas are off limits without getting into too much trouble. 

It will also give them a sense of security knowing that there is one place in the house where they can go when they need some alone time or want to take a nap. 

Reward Good Behavior

Training puppies is all about positive and balanced reinforcement! When your pup does something good–such as going potty outside or not chewing on furniture–be sure to reward them with treats or verbal praise (whichever they prefer). 

This reinforces good behavior while helping your pup understand what behavior is expected from them. Additionally, if you catch them doing something wrong, it’s important to address it right away so that they don't become confused about the rules down the line. 

How Often Should You Bathe Your Goldendoodle Puppy? 

The answer to this question will depend on the individual needs of your pup. Some dogs may need more frequent baths than others based on their lifestyles, activities, and coat type. For example, if your pup spends a lot of time outdoors rolling around in the mud or getting into other messes, you may want to give them a bath every few weeks or even more often than that. 

On the other hand, if your pup is an indoor pet who doesn’t get very dirty, you may only need to bathe them once every month or two. 

Brushing Your Goldendoodle 

The first step in any good grooming routine is brushing your pup. It is important to brush your Goldendoodle daily or at least every other day in order to keep their coat clean and free of tangles or mats. 

Start by using a wide-tooth comb or slicker brush to gently remove any tangles or knots in their fur. Next use a pin brush to remove any remaining pieces of debris that are stuck in their fur. A soft bristle brush can then be used to give the coat a final shine. Be sure to pay particular attention to areas such as the ears, armpits, tail pocket (the area between the tail and body) and groin where mats can form quickly due to moisture. 

Brushing Regularly 

Regular brushing is key to keeping your Goldendoodle's coat looking its best. Brushing at least once per week will help remove dirt, debris, and dead hair from your pup's coat. This will also help reduce shedding and make it easier to keep your pup clean. 

It's important to use the right brush for the job—a slicker brush is ideal for Goldendoodles with longer coats, while a pin brush is better for those with shorter fur. You should also aim to brush in the direction of the hair growth. 

Bathing Occasionally 

Though bathing too often can strip away natural oils from your pup's fur, it's still important to bathe them every few months or so. This will help keep their skin healthy and free of any potential irritants or allergens that could cause issues later on down the line. 

You can help with your puppies natural oils by using coconut oil on your puppy's skin and coat. First, make sure the coconut oil is in a liquid state by warming it up in your hands or placing it in a warm area. Then, gently massage the coconut oil onto your puppy's skin and coat, making sure to distribute it evenly. Be careful not to apply too much as this can make your puppy's fur oily and greasy.

When bathing, make sure you use a shampoo specifically designed for dogs; human shampoos can be too harsh for pups' delicate skin. After rinsing off all the soap suds, give your pup a thorough towel-dry before allowing them out into the world again!    

Trimming Nails 

It's important to trim your Goldendoodle's nails regularly, as overgrown nails can lead to uncomfortable walking or even injuries over time. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, there are plenty of groomers who specialize in nail trims for pups who can help! 

Make sure you have the right equipment—a pair of nail clippers specifically designed for dogs—and take things slowly when trimming; you don't want to cut too close to the quick and risk hurting your pup! Once the nails are trimmed, reward them with lots of treats and cuddles!   

Types of Grooming Services Available 

Professional groomers offer a variety of services tailored specifically for Goldendoodles. These can range from basic baths to full-service haircuts that include trimming, brushing, and styling. 

Depending on the type of cut you choose, your groomer may also use specialized tools like clippers or thinning shears to give your pup an extra-special look. Some groomers may even provide medicated baths or flea treatments if needed. 

Showing your groomer a picture of how you would like your pup groomed is an excellent way to avoid miscommunication and ensure that you get the results you want. Groomers are skilled professionals, but they may have different interpretations of what a particular breed or style should look like. 

By bringing in a picture of the specific cut or style you have in mind, you can eliminate any confusion and ensure that you and the groomer are on the same page. This will help to avoid any misunderstandings or mistakes that could result in a bad haircut for your furry friend. So, take the time to find a picture that accurately depicts the look you are going for, and be sure to communicate clearly with your groomer to achieve the best possible results.

Health and Wellness

Hip Dysplasia 

Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the hip joint does not form properly, resulting in pain and mobility issues. This is a common issue among large breeds like the Goldendoodle, so it’s important to have your pet checked regularly by a veterinarian to make sure that everything is functioning as it should be. If your pet has hip dysplasia, there are treatments available that can help alleviate their pain and improve their mobility. 

As a puppy grows and develops, it's crucial to take steps to protect their health and wellbeing. One thing to keep in mind is that letting your pup jump from high places, such as furniture or even your arms, can put unnecessary stress on their developing joints and bones. This can lead to a range of health issues later on in life, including hip and joint problems that can cause pain and discomfort. 

To help prevent these issues, it's important to avoid letting your puppy jump from high places, especially when they are young and still growing. If you have concerns about your puppy's mobility or are unsure about the best way to support their growth and development, talking to your veterinarian can be a great place to start. Your vet can provide you with advice and guidance on how to help your pup grow up healthy and strong.

Skin Allergies 

Skin allergies can cause itching, scratching, and irritation in dogs of all breeds - including Goldendoodles! Common causes of skin allergies include fleas, dust mites, and food allergens. 

Keeping your home clean and free of allergens can help prevent skin allergies from occurring or worsening. Additionally, if you think that your pet may have an allergy, it’s important to bring them to the vet for testing so that they can get the appropriate treatment. 

Regular Checkups

Regular check-ups and vaccinations can help ensure that your Goldendoodle stays healthy for years to come. During a check-up, your vet will be able to identify any potential health issues early on and treat them before they become more severe. This can help prevent costly medical bills down the line, as well as making sure your pup enjoys the best quality of life possible. 

In addition to keeping your pet in tip top shape, regular check-ups also help you get to know your vet better. This is beneficial because it means that if you ever have any questions or concerns about your pup’s health, you have someone who is familiar with them that you can turn to for advice. It also helps build trust between you and your vet which makes it easier on both ends when it comes time to administering vaccines or medications. 

Nutrition for Your Goldendoodle 

Good nutrition plays an important role in keeping your pup healthy. It’s important to feed them a diet of high-quality food that contains all the nutrients they need. The best way to ensure that your pup is getting what it needs is by feeding them a balanced diet made up of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats. 

Be sure to consult with your vet before deciding what type of food is best for your pup as different breeds have different needs when it comes to nutrition. 

Health Checks & Vaccinations 

Regular health check-ups are essential in keeping your pup healthy. You should get them checked out once or twice per year depending on their age and lifestyle. During these visits, you should also make sure they are up to date on all their vaccinations such as rabies and distemper/parvovirus among others (depending on where you live). 

Additionally, take note of any changes in their behavior or appearance that may indicate a health issue such as itching or excessive scratching which could be signs of allergies or parasites.  


Caring for a Goldendoodle requires dedication, but it can be incredibly rewarding! Following these simple care tips will help ensure that your pup stays healthy and happy throughout its life. 

A Goldendoodle puppy is sure to bring plenty of joy into your home thanks to its friendly disposition, intelligence, and no-shed coat. If you’re looking for an adorable pup that loves cuddles, playing fetch, and learning new tricks then look no further than the lovable Goldendoodle! With lots of attention, patience and love you will have the perfect companion by your side wherever you go! 

Of course, if you ever have any questions or concerns about the health of your pup, don’t hesitate to reach out to your vet – they are always ready to provide expert advice!

Don't forget to check out Little Teton Doodles for more information on Goldendoodles and available puppies!

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We take great pride in our puppies and want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. That's why we offer a 1-year genetic life-threatening guarantee on all of our puppies. We also provide a certified veterinarian report for each puppy so you can be sure that they are healthy and happy.
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