Cavapoos, also known as Cavoodles, are a cross between a King Charles Cavalier and a Poodle. They are known for their gentle nature, affectionate personality, and high intelligence. These qualities make them an excellent choice for families looking for a furry companion. Cavapoos come in different sizes, including teacup, mini, and micro, as well as a variety of colors and temperaments. They have a soft, hypoallergenic coat, which makes them a great choice for people with allergies.
The King Charles Cavalier was chosen for its pleasant disposition and family friendliness, while the Poodle was selected for its hypoallergenic coat. Both breeds are highly intelligent, which makes Cavapoos easy to train. Cavapoos are outgoing, playful, and curious. They inherit some of the best traits from both of their parents, which makes them a brilliant family pet. Their gentle nature suits children of all ages.