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How Much Do Bernedoodles Chew? A Quick Guide

Introducing a new furry family member into your home is an exciting experience but comes with its fair share of challenges. One common concern for potential dog owners is understanding their pet's chewing habits, which can vary from breed to breed. If you're considering a Bernedoodle, you might wonder, "How much do Bernedoodles chew?"

In this quick guide, we will explore the chewing habits of Bernedoodles, the reasons behind their chewing, and tips for managing and reducing excessive chewing to ensure a happy, well-adjusted companion.

Why Do Bernedoodles Chew?

Bernedoodles, a hybrid breed resulting from the cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle, are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. However, like any other dog breed, they have unique behaviors, including chewing. Understanding the reasons behind their chewing habits can help you manage and minimize potential issues.

Teething In Puppies

One of the primary reasons Bernedoodle puppies chew is due to teething. Like human babies, puppies undergo a teething phase where their baby teeth fall out, and adult teeth grow. This process can be uncomfortable and even painful for puppies, leading them to chew on various objects to alleviate the discomfort. Teething typically occurs between 3 and 7 months of age. Providing appropriate chew toys designed for teething puppies during this time can help soothe their gums and reduce the likelihood of destructive chewing.

Boredom And Lack Of Mental Stimulation

Bernedoodles are intelligent and energetic dogs that require regular physical exercise and mental stimulation. They may resort to chewing to alleviate boredom and expend excess energy if they don't receive enough of either. Ensuring your Bernedoodle has a consistent routine that includes daily walks, playtime, and interactive toys or puzzle games can help prevent boredom-related chewing. Additionally, obedience training and teaching new tricks can provide valuable mental stimulation that keeps your Bernedoodle engaged and satisfied.

Anxiety Or Stress

Some Bernedoodles may chew as a coping mechanism for anxiety or stress. It can be triggered by various factors, such as separation anxiety, changes in their environment, or loud noises like thunderstorms. Identifying the source of your Bernedoodle's anxiety and addressing it through training, environmental modifications, or consultation with a veterinarian or professional trainer can help reduce stress-related chewing. In some cases, anti-anxiety medications or supplements may be recommended to help your Bernedoodle feel more at ease.

Exploration And Play

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs and serves as a way for them to explore their environment and engage in play. Bernedoodles, like all dogs, use their mouths to interact with objects, learn about their surroundings, and satisfy their instincts. Providing a variety of safe and durable chew toys can help channel your Bernedoodle's natural chewing tendencies into appropriate outlets and prevent destructive chewing habits from developing.

How Much Do Bernedoodles Chew?

When it comes to chewing habits, Bernedoodles are similar to most other dog breeds. However, some factors can influence their chewing tendencies, making them more or less prone to excessive chewing than other breeds. By understanding these factors, you can better manage your Bernedoodle's chewing habits and ensure a happy, well-adjusted pet.

Comparison Of Bernedoodle Chewing Habits To Other Breeds

Bernedoodles are a hybrid breed, inheriting traits from the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle. While both parent breeds may have a moderate tendency to chew, they are not known for being particularly destructive chewers compared to breeds like Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, or Pit Bulls. However, all dogs are individuals, and some Bernedoodles may be more prone to chewing than others.

It's important to remember that a dog's breed is the only factor influencing its chewing habits. Other factors, such as age, temperament, and environmental factors, can also play a role in determining how much a Bernedoodle chews compared to other breeds.

Factors Influencing Individual Chewing Habits

  1. Age: As mentioned earlier, puppies chew more than adults due to teething and exploration. As your Bernedoodle grows and matures, its chewing habits will likely change and become less intense.
  2. Temperament: Some Bernedoodles may have a more laid-back character, while others may be more energetic and excitable. Dogs with higher energy levels may be more prone to chewing to expend excess energy or cope with boredom.
  3. Training and socialization: Bernedoodles that receive proper training and socialization early are less likely to develop destructive chewing habits. Consistent training and boundaries can help teach your Bernedoodle what is and isn't appropriate to chew on.
  4. Environmental factors: A dog's environment can significantly impact its chewing habits. Bernedoodles that are left alone for extended periods, have limited access to appropriate chew toys, or live in stressful environments may be more prone to excessive chewing.
  5. Diet and health: A dog's diet and overall health can influence its chewing habits. A balanced diet that meets your Bernedoodle's nutritional needs can help prevent excessive chewing due to hunger or dietary deficiencies. Additionally, addressing any underlying health issues, such as dental problems or allergies, can help reduce the likelihood of excessive chewing.

Tips For Managing Bernedoodle Chewing

A closeup image of a Bernedoodle dog running with their mouth open and tongue out

Managing and reducing your Bernedoodle's chewing habits is essential for maintaining a harmonious household and ensuring the well-being of your furry companion. Implementing a few strategies can help your Bernedoodle develop healthy chewing habits and minimize the risk of destructive chewing.

Providing Appropriate Chew Toys

One of the most effective ways to manage your Bernedoodle's chewing habits is by providing a variety of appropriate chew toys. These toys should be durable, safe, and designed specifically for dogs. Look for toys made from rubber, nylon, or natural fibers that can withstand your Bernedoodle's mighty jaws. Rotating the toys regularly can help maintain your dog's interest and prevent boredom.

When selecting chew toys, consider your Bernedoodle's size, age, and chewing preferences. Some dogs prefer softer toys, while others enjoy harder materials. By providing a range of options, you can help your dog find their preferred chew toys and discourage them from seeking out inappropriate items to chew on.

Ensuring Adequate Exercise And Mental Stimulation

Bernedoodles are energetic and intelligent dogs that require regular physical exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. A bored or under-stimulated Bernedoodle is more likely to engage in excessive chewing to expend energy or alleviate boredom.

To prevent this, ensure your Bernedoodle receives daily walks, playtime, and opportunities for mental stimulation. Interactive toys, puzzle games, and obedience training can all help keep your dog's mind engaged and reduce the likelihood of boredom-related chewing.

Training And Establishing Boundaries

Teaching your Bernedoodle appropriate chewing behaviors and establishing boundaries is crucial for preventing destructive chewing habits. Consistent training from an early age can help your dog understand what is and isn't acceptable to chew on.

If you catch your Bernedoodle chewing on a wrong item, redirect them to an acceptable chew toy and praise them when they engage with the toy. Avoid punishment, leading to anxiety and stress, which may exacerbate chewing issues.

Addressing Anxiety Or Stress-Related Chewing

If your Bernedoodle's chewing habits appear to be related to anxiety or stress, it's essential to address the underlying cause. Identify potential stressors in your dog's environment and take steps to mitigate them. For example, if your Bernedoodle suffers from separation anxiety, gradually increase their time alone and use positive reinforcement to help them feel more comfortable.

In some cases, consulting with a professional dog trainer or veterinarian may be necessary to address anxiety or stress-related chewing. They can guide training techniques and environmental modifications and, in some cases, recommend anti-anxiety medications or supplements to help your Bernedoodle feel more at ease.


You can successfully manage and reduce your Bernedoodle's chewing habits by comprehending the causes of their chewing tendencies and putting strategies into practice like offering suitable chew toys, making sure they get enough exercise and mental stimulation, setting limits through training, and taking care of any anxiety or stress-related issues.

Ask a reputable breeder about the specific chewing tendencies of their dogs and any suggestions they may have for controlling this behavior if you're thinking about bringing a Bernedoodle into your family. You can ensure a positive and harmonious relationship with your Bernedoodle and take advantage of this breed's many admirable traits by being proactive and informed.


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