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How Big Do Maltipoos Get? A Comprehensive Guide

June 13, 2023

Are you looking for a furry buddy that's cuddly, playful, and easy to take care of? Look no further than Maltipoos, the hybrid dogs that fill the gap between Maltese and Toy/Miniature Poodles. But before you welcome Maltipoo into your life and heart, one crucial question remains: how big do Maltipoos get? While generally smaller than either of their purebred parents, Maltipoos come in various sizes, from toy to medium-sized. 

Finding the perfect size for your lifestyle and space requires research and understanding. In this complete guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about Maltipoo size, weight, and temperament, so you can make an informed decision and enjoy the companionship of your fluffy dog.

Maltipoo Size

Maltipoos, a popular hybrid breed resulting from the cross between a Maltese and a Poodle, are known for their adorable appearance and petite size. The average size of a Maltipoo varies depending on the type of Poodle used in the mix - Toy or Miniature. Generally, Maltipoos stand at a height of 8 to 14 inches at the shoulder and have a compact, well-proportioned body.

Factors Affecting Maltipoo Size

Several factors can influence the size of a Maltipoo, including:

  • Genetics: The size of a Maltipoo's parents plays a significant role in determining its eventual size. If the Maltese parent is relatively small and the Poodle parent is a Toy Poodle, the resulting Maltipoo offspring will likely be on the smaller end of the size spectrum. On the other hand, if the Poodle parent is a Miniature Poodle, the Maltipoo may grow larger.
  • Parent Breeds: As mentioned earlier, the type of Poodle used in the mix can affect the size of a Maltipoo. Toy Poodles are usually 10 inches or less smaller, while Miniature Poodles stand between 10 to 15 inches tall. The size of the Maltese parent can also impact the Maltipoo's size, as Maltese typically range from 7 to 9 inches in height.
  • Nutrition and Exercise: Proper nutrition and exercise during the Maltipoo's growth stages can also impact its size. A well-balanced diet and regular exercise will ensure the Maltipoo develops a healthy and strong body. Overfeeding or lack of exercise may lead to obesity, making the Maltipoo appear larger than it should be.

Size Comparison to Other Breeds

When compared to other breeds, Maltipoos are relatively small. For instance, popular small breeds like Pugs and French Bulldogs typically stand between 10 to 12 inches tall, while larger breeds like Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers can reach heights of 22 to 24 inches. Maltipoos are closer in size to their Maltese parent, a toy breed, making them an ideal choice for those looking for a small, manageable, and adorable companion.

Maltipoo Weight

Maltipoos are not only small in size but also lightweight, making them easy to carry and handle. The average weight of a Maltipoo can range from 5 to 20 pounds, depending on factors such as genetics and the size of the Poodle parent. Typically, Maltipoos with a Toy Poodle parent tends to be lighter, weighing 5 to 12 pounds, while those with a Miniature Poodle parent can weigh 10 to 20 pounds.

Healthy Weight Range for Maltipoos

A healthy weight range for Maltipoos depends on their size and build. For smaller Maltipoos, a weight between 5 to 12 pounds is considered healthy, while larger Maltipoos should ideally weigh between 10 and 20 pounds. It's essential to consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate weight range for your Maltipoo, as factors such as age, activity level, and overall health can also influence what constitutes a healthy weight. Regular vet check-ups can help monitor your Maltipoo's weight and ensure they remain within a healthy range.

Maltipoo Growth Stages

Understanding the different growth stages of a Maltipoo is essential for ensuring they receive the proper care, nutrition, and training they need to grow into healthy and well-adjusted adults. The main growth stages of a Maltipoo include the puppy stage, the adolescent stage, and the adult stage.

Puppy Stage (0-6 months)

During the puppy stage, Maltipoos experience rapid growth and development. A high level of curiosity, playfulness, and energy characterizes this stage. During this time, Maltipoos will develop their motor skills, socialization abilities, and basic training skills.

  • Size and Weight: Maltipoo puppies typically weigh between 1 and 3 pounds at 8 weeks of age. By the time they reach 6 months, their weight can range from 4 to 10 pounds, depending on their genetics and the size of their Poodle parent.
  • Growth Rate: Maltipoo puppies grow relatively fast during this stage, most of their growth occurring between 2 to 6 months of age.

Adolescent Stage (6-12 months)

The adolescent stage is marked by continued growth, both physically and mentally. Maltipoos may test their boundaries during this stage and exhibit more independent behavior. Consistent training, socialization, and positive reinforcement are crucial during this stage to ensure a well-behaved and well-adjusted Maltipoo.

  • Size and Weight: By the time Maltipoos reach 12 months of age, they will have reached approximately 90-95% of their adult size and weight. Their weight can range from 5 to 20 pounds, depending on their specific genetics and the size of their Poodle parent.
  • Growth Rate: The growth rate during adolescence slows down compared to the puppy stage. Maltipoos will continue to grow steadily, with most reaching their adult size between 10 to 12 months of age.

Adult Stage (12+ months)

Once Maltipoos reach adulthood, their growth will mostly stabilize, and their focus will shift toward maintaining their size, weight, and overall health. Adult Maltipoos will have developed unique personalities and require consistent care, exercise, and mental stimulation to remain healthy and happy.

  • Size and Weight: Adult Maltipoos will typically stand between 8 to 14 inches tall and weigh between 5 to 20 pounds, depending on their genetics and the size of their Poodle parent.
  • Maintenance of Size and Weight: At this stage, monitoring your Maltipoo's weight and ensuring they receive a well-balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain a healthy size and weight is essential. Regular vet check-ups can help keep track of your Maltipoo's overall health and identify any potential issues early on.

cute maltipoos

Maltipoo Temperament

Maltipoos are known for their friendly, affectionate, and intelligent nature, making them excellent companions for various types of households. Their temperament can be described as follows:

  • Affectionate: Maltipoos are loving and enjoy cuddling with their owners. They form strong bonds with their families and thrive on companionship and attention.
  • Intelligent: Maltipoos inherit their intelligence from Maltese and Poodle parent breeds. They are quick learners and can be trained relatively easily with positive reinforcement and consistency.
  • Playful: Maltipoos have a playful and energetic disposition. They enjoy engaging in activities such as playing fetch, walking, and participating in dog sports like agility or obedience training.

Factors Affecting Maltipoo Temperament

Several factors can influence a Maltipoo's temperament, including:

  • Genetics: The temperament of a Maltipoo's parents can play a significant role in determining its own temperament. If both the Maltese and Poodle parents have friendly and sociable temperaments, it's more likely that their Maltipoo offspring will exhibit similar traits.
  • Socialization: Early socialization is essential for Maltipoos to develop a well-rounded temperament. Exposure to various people, animals, and environments from a young age can help them become more adaptable and confident in different situations.
  • Training: Consistent and positive training can help shape a Maltipoo's temperament. Teaching them basic obedience and manners can help them become well-behaved and more enjoyable companions.

Tips for Managing Maltipoo Temperament

Consider the following tips to ensure your Maltipoo develops and maintains a positive temperament.

  • Early Socialization: Socialize your Maltipoo as early as possible to expose them to various experiences and environments. This can include meeting new people and animals, visiting different locations, and exposing them to various sounds and textures.
  • Positive Reinforcement Training: Use positive reinforcement methods, such as praise, treats, and play, to train your Maltipoo. This approach helps build a strong bond between you and your dog while encouraging good behavior.
  • Consistency: Be consistent with your training and expectations to help your Maltipoo understand what is expected of them. This includes maintaining a regular schedule for feeding, exercise, and training.
  • Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Provide your Maltipoo with regular physical and mental stimulation to help positively channel their energy and intelligence. This can include daily walks, playtime, puzzle toys, and training activities.
  • Patience and Understanding: Be patient and understanding with your Maltipoo, especially during the early stages of training and socialization. They may require time and repetition to learn new skills and behaviors, and your patience will help them feel more secure and confident.


Knowing their potential size and temperament is crucial if you consider adding a Maltipoo to your household. These intelligent and friendly dogs can bring much joy to your life, but it's important to ensure that you're ready for the responsibility of pet ownership. Talking with a reputable breeder can help you better understand what to expect when caring for a Maltipoo. Keep in mind that each dog's size and temperament can vary depending on their genetics and how they're raised. By researching and carefully selecting a Maltipoo that fits your lifestyle, you can enjoy a loving companion for many years.

We hope this guide on 'How Big Do Maltipoos Get?' helps you to improve your knowledge.

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